Our Team
We know that the most important asset we have is our amazing workforce. We go the extra mile to attract the best talent and even further to retain them. Below are just a few of the reasons we are one of the largest privately owned employers in the region.

We are proud of the diversity of our workforce. Individuals are employed or promoted on the basis of their skills, values and aptitude regardless of their ethnicity, gender or beliefs.

The welfare of our people is paramount so we do all we can to make sure they are happy and safe while at work. From spacious food and rest areas to stringent health and safety processes.

The development of our people enables the development of our business and our customers. We have structured development paths for long term employees as well as actively engaging in apprentice programs.
Every decision we make at Slick Stitch is done so only after considering the environmental impacts of that decision. We aim to minimise the impact our activities have on our environment and consistently measure ourselves to ensure we deliver on our promises.

Reducing Energy
We carefully evaluate how much energy we use at our facilities and work hard to reduce it wherever possible. We also use in house developed systems to optimise plant use and so reduce energy consumption.

Reducing Waste
While we do not generate large amounts of waste there is a small amount of surplus material, mainly plastic that we recycle using accredited third party services.

Reducing our Footprint
While most of our business processes are optimised for “just in time” production we buy in bulk where product is being shipped long distances. This is to minimise long trips and reduce our footprint as much as possible.
While we do not have specific charities that we work with we consider all requests for support and provide clothing, services or funds where we can. We also participate in several events each year which raise money for a variety of good causes.